Frequently Asked Questions

How does the pre-play assessment work?

Every dog at Duke’s must go through a Pre-play Assessment, as we need to evaluate if your dog is suitable for group environment. Just like kids when they first start school, some dogs will be nervous initially and even for the first few visits, but almost all dogs settle in fine.

Our slow introduction process allows dogs to feel comfortable, not overwhelmed. We don't believe in just throwing your dog in with the huge group and letting them sort it out – which can be quite traumatic for a nervous dog.

At Duke’s we are consistently reading the dogs body language to understand where they are most comfortable and moving the dogs around our areas to keep them safe and happy. For example, a large dog might like the large dog play area in the morning but in the afternoon when they are tired they might like a smaller group of friends.

Can puppies come to Dog Day Care?

Duke’s Dog Daycare provides a wonderful learning environment for puppies. Puppies are closely supervised and by mixing with well-adjusted older dogs, they naturally learn respect, manners and other social skills they need in a dog's world. Daycare helps puppies develop into calm, happy, relaxed adults. Older dogs learn from puppies too as puppies teach them patience and tolerance.

Will my dog have toys to play with?

Yes, we are constantly testing new toys for the daycare environment and we choose long lasting, enriching, fun toys.

Will my dog be safe at Dog Daycare?

The safety of all dogs at Duke’s is our top priority, we take safety very seriously and have comprehensive health and safety rules, here's a few:

  • There are team members supervising the dogs AT ALL TIMES

  • Dogs are be grouped based on their size and temperament

  • Our team are consistently watching the dog behaviour and rearranging dogs to suit. They are also watching for any issues that might arise and are dealing with problems before they escalate

  • Dogs get excited when playing with other dogs – we have a timeout area for any dog that is getting too excited

  • We have a strict cleaning schedule to ensure our facility is clean and healthy for your dog

  • We use vet quality cleaning products that are purpose made

  • Our fully fenced area will keep the dogs within a safe environment at all times

What are your Rules and Regulations?

Our goal at Duke’s is to provide a safe, fun and hygienic environment for dogs. To provide this we need all our clients, two-legged and four-legged, to comply with the following rules and regulations:

  • All dogs must be well-socialised. Owners need to certify that their dogs have not harmed or shown any aggressive or threatening behaviour toward people or other dogs. Any dog showing aggression will be refused entry

  • All dogs must pass our pre-play assessment

  • Dogs must be currently registered with their local Council

  • Dogs must be spayed or neutered by six months of age

  • There is no minimum age limit for puppies however they must have had all their vaccinations prior to admission.

  • A registration form must be completed and proof of current vaccinations as required for DHPP (Distemper/Hepatitis/Parainfluenza/Parvovirus), Lepto and Bordatella (canine cough) before entry.

  • Please DO NOT BRING YOUR DOG TO DAYCARE if they are not well. All dogs must be free from any condition which could potentially jeopardise other guests – this includes sneezing, coughing, hacking etc. If unsure please call us before bringing your dog

  • All dogs must be on a flea and worm treatment program. Any dog showing signs of fleas will not be admitted into the facility

  • Owners are fully responsible for any expenses accrued due to the actions of their dog including but not limited to medical expenses and damage to property (note: all dogs are evaluated before entry but occasionally things can happen, this is limited as much as possible through our policies and procedures)

  • Dogs can share coughs, sniffles, eye infections and more… just like children's daycare. Duke’s is not responsible for vet bills of this nature. If your dog is ill, we will take them to a local vet if you are unable to

  • Dogs must be on a leash at all times during drop off and pick up

  • For health and safety reasons we cannot allow owners in the play area during normal day care hours

  • For health and safety reasons dogs may be issued with a quick release collar while at Duke’s – no choke collars allowed in play area

  • We reserve the right to refuse entry to any dog, for any reason, at any time

Are large dogs separated from small dogs?

Dogs are grouped in order of size and temperament. It is important for small dogs to interact with big dogs and vice versa as when their owners take them out and about they can’t control who they run into. However, at Duke’s the groups are ALWAYS supervised and we would absolutely not mix a large high energy dog with a small low energy dog. 

Will my dog learn to bark more?

There’s three main reasons dogs bark - over excited, bored or stress – for the comfort of all our dogs, our team and our neighbours, we don’t allow excessive barking. A little barking while playing is accepted and a bit of excited barking on drop off (dogs love coming to daycare) and when seeing their owners on pick up (dogs love their owners) but that’s it.

Are the dogs constantly supervised?

Yes – dogs are supervised AT ALL TIMES by our team. 

Will my dog get on with the other dogs?

All dogs must pass the pre-play assessment before being accepted into Duke’s . The team are constantly reading the dogs body language and moving the groups around so that all dogs are comfortable and having fun. For example, the puppies will be with other puppies to burn off their energy. 

Is there an area designated for dogs to lie down?

Our team are constantly reading the dogs body language and grouping dogs so that they are happy. If a rowdy puppy is annoying the older ones they will be separated. We have different areas for this as well as separate day beds so your puppy will get regulated rest time (as they don’t know how to regulate their own play) and your older dog will get to relax without being annoyed.

What is the policy on food and snacks?

We do offer our doggos treats during the day if they are allowed, so please let us know if your dog has any special requirements - we are happy to accommodate. 

Dogs are usually fed at home before and after day care, however if you have a young puppy or older dog that requires an extra meal in the day, you can drop the food off with your pup - we feed all dogs separately. Dogs should rest for 15 minutes after being fed to prevent bloat, and stomach issues, so we ensure this is done at daycare too.

If you are bringing your dog’s lunch or snacks with them please clearly mark with their name (just like children’s lunches).

Toileting - where do they toilet?

We have designated areas for the dogs to toilet – most dogs use these areas as the other dogs have also gone there, if there are any accidents our team clean them up straight away.

My dog hasn't been to dog daycare before - I'm nervous but want to give it a go?

It’s fine to feel nervous when trusting your furbaby into the care of others. Our team will look after your furbaby and let you know how they settle in. We want you and your dog to feel comfortable when using our services so we will send you updates and photos so you can see how your pup is doing on their first day. You are more than welcome to come and drop by as many times as you like before your first day. If you’d like to only do a half day that’s also fine. 

Will they make friends?

Most dogs make friends easily, they are grouped with other dogs who have the same interests and temperament so they all get on. 

Will my dog get fleas at daycare?

It is part of our terms and conditions that all dogs must be on a flea treatment programme. Here at Duke’s we have a strict daycare cleaning schedule which includes washing all bedding and doing a thorough clean of the facility daily.

Is fresh drinking water available?

Absolutely, water is available at all times, however your dog may still be thirsty after day care.

Are vaccination records required before enrolment?

Yes – for the health and safety of all our team and dogs we have some pre-play requirements, please see the our application form for more info. We have a vaccination management system so you can be assured of the ongoing safety of your dog. 

Do I bring toys?

We have loads of dog toys in every shape and size. All toys in the dog play area must remain neutral to avoid possessiveness. We also don’t allow external toys into daycare for hygiene reasons.

Do I get a discount for multiple visits or more than one dog?

Yes, we have discounted rates depending on how often you use us and we offer same family discounts – talk to us about these discounts.

What happens if there is an emergency with the dogs?

We have procedures in place in case of emergency, these are all detailed in our application form.

What if my dog is injured or gets sick?

Remember that even normal dog play may result in some type of injury. It is not a common occurrence but it can happen. Just like a child can fall or trip at school. All injuries and illnesses are prevented to the BEST of our ability. If this occurs, you will be notified when you pick up your dog if it is minor, or you will be notified immediately if the problem is severe. If there is an emergency and vet care is needed, we will transport your dog to our local vet – all medical costs are the owner’s responsibility.