The aim of dog daycare is to create a fun, safe, happy enriching environment for your dog!

At Duke’s we operate just like daycare for human children

Owners drop their dogs off in the morning and collect them in the afternoon or evening. We provide a structured schedule for your dog - complete with enrichment activities, cuddles and rest time, treatos and lots of play.

Many dogs have a fantastic experience and it is great for their socialisation, development and energy levels.

Dogs are highly social and are naturally pack animals, which means they like being around other dogs and people.

Dog daycare provides a safe and controlled environment where your dog can make friends and have fun. Like young children, dogs must learn to socialise, share their toys and play nicely.

They will of course receive plenty of cuddles and attention throughout the day.

Your dog will be in a fully-supervised play area with other dogs who are grouped based on their personality and size.

Your dog will be involved in a wide variety of enrichment activities and social stimulation to ensure that they go home happy and worn out (mentally and physically).

At Duke’s your dog will make new friends and learn all-important socialisation skills.